翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2011/02/11 23:09:53

mrgcmsk 50

In late 2008, Parkway Holdings announced that it was cutting its total workforce in Singapore by around
4%, or some 148 jobs. The salaries of its senior and middle managers are also being reduced, by up to
35%, due to the volatile economy. Nevertheless, Parkway forged ahead with the construction of its fourth
private hospital in Singapore, while also recently launching a Parkway College subsidiary, which runs
nursing and healthcare management courses.


2008年後半、Parkwayホールディングスはシンガポールの全従業員の約4%、148の業務を削減すると発表した。変動する経済の理由から上級支配人と中間管理職の給与が最大35%まで引き下げられる。それでもなお、看護とヘルスケアマネージメントコースを運営するParkway College子会社の立ち上げの間、Parkwayはシンガポールで第4の私立病院の建設とともに前身した。

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