翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 56 / 0 Reviews / 2013/02/01 18:42:25


作品は、順に、「超時空要塞マクロス」、「超時空要塞マクロスⅡ-LOVERS AGAIN-」、「マクロスプラス」、「マクロス7」、「マクロスゼロ」、「マクロスF」と続いています。



The series continues with the titles as follows in chronological order
: “The Super Dimension Fortress Macross,” “Macross II,” “Macross Plus,” “Macross 7,” “Macross Zero,” “Macross Frontier.”

Macross Frontier is the latest installment that aired in 2008. It is very popular among the series, three films have been released. The songs from the soundtrack for Macross Frontier have ranked on the Japanese Music chart. Live concerts have been held with audience.

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備考: 日本のアニメ作品の紹介文です