翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 59 / 0 Reviews / 2013/01/29 10:09:10

violet 59

So many were the armies that had been put in the field at that time, and with such men in charge, each of whom was trying to get complete power into his own hands without consideration of law and justice,every matter being decided according to the amount of force that was available for application in each case.Octavian alone, to whom all the power had justly been bequeathed, in accordance with the authority of him who had obtained it in the first instance, and because of his relationship to him, was without any share of authority whatever, and he was buffeted between the political envy and greed of men who were lying in wait to attack him and seize the supreme command.Tyche finally ordered these things aright.



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