翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 57 / 0 Reviews / 2010/12/14 08:15:05

kaory 57

You're on the verge of discovering how easy it can be to build payment apps and profit from using the ABC Opn platform.

The world of payment apps can be a serious place. After all, handling money is a serious business but it's also one that we could make much more fun. By bringing together your talent and Opn's mashable payment technology, who knows what we could create.
You'll soon be invited to build an app based around making small P2P payments supported by Opn. Any one of these worldwide transactions could uncover a link along the Secret Path - winning you anything from $10 to $500 cash. Whether you spend, share or donate the money to charity is up entirely up to you.


ABC Opnプラットフォームを使うことで、ペイメント・アプリケーションの構築と利益がたやすく得られるようになるのが分かるだろう。


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