翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2010/10/15 02:43:38

ittetsu 50

The New York State Insurance Department has unveiled a draft of a variable life insurance regulation that includes new sections dealing with private placement variable life arrangements.
The proposed amendment to New York Regulation 77 would define a “private placement variable life insurance policy” as any variable life insurance policy that is exempt from registration under federal securities laws; includes one or more separate accounts that are exempt from registration as an investment company; is only available to a sophisticated investor who has enough assets to qualify under federal law as an accredited investor, according to the draft text.


草案によると、ニューヨーク条例77条への修正提案は、「私募変額保険証券」について、連邦証券法下への登録を免除されたいずれの変額保険証券 (投資会社としての登録を免除された1つ以上の個別の口座を含む) も、連邦法の下で公認の投資家として認定された十分な資産を持つ熟練の投資家にのみ有効とする、と規定することになる。

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