翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 58 / 0 Reviews / 2012/10/08 00:12:53


今日も一緒に遊んでいた、僕のBaja仲間のTakehiko Namiki君、Yukihiro Nakamura君、Yoshihiko Noda君がこのコミュニティーに参加しました。

先日壊れたREED BLOCKは、お蔭様で完璧に直りました! Baja最高~!!


Hello! Everybody!
I've been to the beach to run today! Although it was hard to run with rain the previous day for a while, it has played until it grows dark together with a friend.
Mr. Takehiko Namiki of my Baja friend who was playing together today also, Mr. Yukihiro Nakamura, and Mr. Yoshihiko Noda participated in this community.
Although he seems to not very good at English, since it is a favorite friend, please make friends from the bottom of your heart in the same Baja as everybody!
REED BLOCK broken was luckily repaired perfectly the other day!
Baja best!!

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備考: Facebookでのラジコンカーに関する仲間との会話です。