翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2012/10/07 00:53:45

jappygmalion 50 Have been studying Japanese for close...

 こんにちは。一つ、調べてもらいたいことがあります。9/27付けでそちらに到着した商品で、トラッキングナンバーxxxの荷物の内の1つに「Bose wave music system」があると思うのですが、箱を開封して、中身を確認してもらいたいのです。


Good afternoon. I have something I wish for to be checked into. A commodity(dated 27th of July) with tracking number 'xxx' that has reached your place should contain a "Bose wave music system"; I would like for the box to be unsealed and checked for its contents.

If the box contains 1. The product itself, 2. Electrical cord, 3. Card-type remote control and 4. Demonstration CD these 4 types of things it is OK. After checking, please reseal it once again. If, there are any parts lacking please contact me. I am in your hands.

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