翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2012/10/07 00:38:58

keiko 50 海外(英語圏)移住暦16年、今はシドニーで弁護士をしています。法学部在学中...

 こんにちは。一つ、調べてもらいたいことがあります。9/27付けでそちらに到着した商品で、トラッキングナンバーxxxの荷物の内の1つに「Bose wave music system」があると思うのですが、箱を開封して、中身を確認してもらいたいのです。


Hello, there is one thing I would like you to check. Out of the products you received on 27th of September, I believe there is a package with tracking number XXX, and within it should be the " Bose wave music system". I would like you to open that package and confirm the contents. There should be the following four goods: 1. Product itself 2. Power cord 3. Card system remote control 4. Demonstration CD.
Would you please re-seal the package after you have checked that the above is present. If you are missing anything, please contact me. Thank you in advance.

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