翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2012/10/07 00:37:57

arashi_2sakura 50 I'm a Brazillian translator and curre...

 こんにちは。一つ、調べてもらいたいことがあります。9/27付けでそちらに到着した商品で、トラッキングナンバーxxxの荷物の内の1つに「Bose wave music system」があると思うのですが、箱を開封して、中身を確認してもらいたいのです。


Good Day,

First, there's something I'd you to check up for me:
I think there's a product arrived at your place on 9/27 with the tracking number xxxx, which has a "Bose wave music system" inside it, so I'd like to sak you to open the box and check it up.
If inside the box there is: 1. the product itself, 2. the power chord, 3. a card-shaped remote control, 4. four demonstration CDs, it means it's all OK.
After checking the box's content, please seal it once again. If there's something missing, please contact me.
Thank You.

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