翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 49 / 0 Reviews / 2012/09/22 01:16:11


New investment bonuses from Germany’s Market Incentive Programme and improved loan terms from KfW Bank Group for renewables become available for solar thermal.
The new map will provide greater momentum for renewable heat and step up private investments.
Solar thermal arrays with a collector surface of less than 40 m² will now receive up to €400 more upfront, as will biomass-fired boilers and heat pumps smaller than 100 kW. Irrespective of system size, €90 is still paid per square meter of collector surface. However, solar thermal arrays installed on new single family homes or duplexes remain ineligible; such buildings are only eligible if renovated.


太陽光発熱は、40 m² 未満の集電で€400以上の先行投資が受けられます。100 kW未満のバイオマスボイラーやヒートポンプなどでも、€90 は、コレクター表面積に対して支払われます。但し、新築や二重のソーラーパネルは不適合だが、改築には適用される。

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