翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2010/07/03 00:49:12


on Rails製サイトとして成長を続けている理由とは何か。日々実践している技術や開発環境についてCTOの橋本健太がお話します。


Do you know a website visited by 45% of Japanese women in their thirties?
It's cookpad.com, the world largest recipe site that attracts 9.89 million visitors monthly and offers 800 thousand visitor-submitted recipes. It is also the largest-scale Ruby on Rails site in Japan. Kenta Hashimoto, CTO, cookpad.com, will reveal the reason why the site retains number one position and still continues to grow. Hashimoto will also talk about various technologies and development environments which his team uses in its day-to-day development.

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備考: Cookpad社からの依頼です。