翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 51 / 0 Reviews / 2021/10/28 18:14:40

steveforest 51 I worked for the broadcaster as an en...

I hope all is well, with you.
I like to introduce a good friend and a model dealer in Dubai that is interest din some models form Japan and some model you might have access to
So I hope you can help Jozsef, and I hope.You guys can do business with each other and this can be help for both of you

How are you ? I hope all well. Ari is long time friend and now I work with him. I am very interested in Davis and Giovanni models and I also have that I could offer you the sell in Japan RARE cars Zero Fighters. Please let me know if you interested and we can discuss it.



お元気ですか?アリは長年の友人で今彼と一緒に仕事をしています。Davis and Giovanni モデルに大変関心があり、日本では希少なクルマである「ゼロファイター」を提供できるかもしれません。もしご興味がありましたら、お知らせください。

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