翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2020/07/24 10:33:56

tearz 50 翻訳経験豊富です。 過去の実績や評価などご確認ください。 ご連絡お待ち...



I was informed that " In the event of no deposit made by the next business day from today, your order will be automatically canceled due to the grounds of "unsettled payment by the buyer", and a negative feedback will be added to the buyer's rating." The reason for non deposit is due to the mistake found on the wrong shipping fee. Please ensure to read the instruction to deal with seller. I am currently awaiting to receive a new invoice. There is nothing I can do because I can't even cancel the order without a seller taking action. What shall I do? A negative feedback will be given to me if nothing progresses.

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