翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2020/06/30 18:37:23

steveforest 52 I worked for the broadcaster as an en...



Though I had remitted to your designated bank account on the 25th of June, it was returned as the transaction wasn't succeeded today. Two out of the other three major banks here in Japan rejected the remittance. I asked it for the credit card company to remit to the credit card instead, but they said they cannot process it.
If your company would have a contract with the VISA, we can do it by credit card.
I also opened an account for a foreign-owned bank today but it may take 2 weeks for the opening.
It may take longer to be able to remit the money. I appreciate your understanding.

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備考: ロシア語が母国語のセールスマネージャーへのメールです。分かりやすい英文だと大変助かります。旧ソ連領の小さな国に送金したいのですが、4月からロシア領の送金が大変厳しくなり、送金できず困っている状態です。お手数お掛け致しますが、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。