翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2020/06/06 13:51:01

huihuimelon 52 プロフィールをご覧いただきありがとうございます。 社内翻訳校正者(2...



I had no time to propose a new item at all since I spent much time gaining back the trust from my client which have been complaining due to overdue. It is disadvantageous as client will purchase from wholesalers which obtain information faster if it is under same conditions. Our company and client are making direct dealing under flavourful conditions but for the items with more difficult conditions, the dealing is made via us. This time round, I suppose the due was delayed because the day the order was made was the order due. It is a problem that the arrival of the parcels have been delayed for two months despite the payment having been made.

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