We have similar views of how the technology starts. Amazingly, we have a very clear and similar, if not exact, vision of how the technology ends – similar start and a similar end – we both believe that we need to eliminate traffic fatalities.That’s both of our companies’ goals. We are independently going after our goals without working together.
We have talked to Google and we really respect Google as a company and the work they’re doing, but
our focus on starting in the same place with the same place, with the same sensors, and ending in the same
place, but going down different paths. Google has a slightly different approach, but still, the same end.
"starting in the same place with the same place" は、"starting in the same place" と、"with the same place" を割愛しました。筆者の間違いかもしれないと思われましたので。(しかしながら、そういった慣用句が存在する可能性も捨てきれません。)また、"with the same sensors" も、"with the same sense" と致しました。これも筆者のミスタイピングと思われましたので。勝手な判断で勝手な翻訳致しまして、申し訳ありません。もしも原文を損ない、著者の思惑と違った意味に変わってしまった場合は、全て私の責任であります。