[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] そして彼は公務に着手し、誰よりも精力的に、年配の賢人よりも手堅く事を治めた。まず彼は遺産相続のみを目的とした一個人として、数人だけを伴ってひっそりと都市に...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は transcontinents さん 3_yumie7 さんの 2人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 6件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 2091文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 10時間 34分 です。

symeによる依頼 2013/01/02 22:08:05 閲覧 798回
残り時間: 終了

In this way he took a hand in public affairs; and he managed and dealt with them more vigorously than any man in his prime, more prudently than any graybeard. In the first place, he entered the city as if for the sole purpose of succeeding to the inheritance, coming as a private citizen with only a few attendants, without any display. Again, he did not utter threats against any one nor show that he was displeased at what had occurred and would take vengeance for it. Indeed, so far from demanding of Antony any of the money that he had previously plundered, he actually paid court to him, although he was insulted and wronged by him. For Antony did him many injuries both in word and deed,


particularly when the lex curiata was proposed by which the transfer of Octavius into Caesar's family was to take place; Antony himself pretended to be doing his best to have it passed, but through some tribunes he kept securing its postponement, in order that the young man, not being as yet Caesar's son according to law, might not meddle with the property and might be weaker in all other ways. Caesar was vexed at this, but as he was unable to speak his mind freely, he bore it until he had won over the multitude, by whom he understood his father had been raised to honor. For he knew that they were angry at Caesar's death and hoped they would be devoted to him as his son.

特にOctaviusをCaesar家の一員とするLex Curiataが提案された時、Antony自身はその案の可決に尽力したように見せかけておきながら護民官を数人抱き込んで可決を引き伸ばし、法の下ではまだCaesarの息子と認められていない若者が財産に干渉することを妨げ、あらゆる手段で彼の権力を弱めようとした。Caesarはこれに苛立ちを覚えたが、自由に発言することができなかったので、彼が父を称えるために担ぎ出されたのだということを知る大衆に認められるまで待った。彼は、大衆がCaesarの死に怒りを感じており、息子となる彼に身を捧げるであろうと期待していたのだ。

He perceived that they hated Antony on account of his conduct as master of the horse and also for his failure to punish the assassins. Hence he undertook to become tribune as a starting point for popular leadership and to secure the power that would result from it; and he accordingly became a candidate for the place of Cinna, which was vacant. Though hindered by Antony's followers, he did not desist, and after using persuasion upon Tiberius Cannutius, a tribune, he was by him brought before the populace; and taking as his pretext the gift bequeathed the people by Caesar, he addressed them in appropriate words, promising that he would discharge the debt at once and giving them cause to hope for much besides.

彼は、主馬頭としての行動や暗殺者を罰しなかったことに関して大衆がAntonyに反感を持っていると感じていた。そこで彼は大衆を起点として統率力を高れば権力を握ることができると睨んだ。そうして彼は誰のものでもないCinnaの土地を手に入れるべく手を挙げた。Antony支持者の陰に隠れながらも、Tiberius Cannutiusの説得を利用して大衆の前に立ち、Caesarの遺産を人々に分配すると言う名目の下、適切な言葉を使い、債務を免除することを約束して人々に希望を与えた。





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