captionのテキストが見つからないのは、Pull-string sacについてですか?
(”second left photo of the second row”という指示があったのKOGIN_Caption_02.pdfのPull-string sacについてだと思いました。)
もしそうなら、Pull-string sacは3種類ありますが、すべて同じキャプションがつきます。
Thank you for your e-mail.
I didn't find the caption text. Is it attched to Pull-string sac?
(I think it's attached to the Pull-string sac of KOGIN_Caption_02.pdf with an instruction of "second left photo of the second row")
If it's right, there are 3 kinds of Pull-string sac, and the caption attached to them are all the same.
If my understanding is wrong, please attach the merchandise image without caption.