Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼]  調査によると、経済面での悪化と、そのせいで生まれた家庭の財政の不確実性を考えると、生命保険を持つことは、2年前と比べてやや、もしくはとても重要になってい...

In the survey, 62 percent of men and women said that given the economic downturn and the uncertainty it has created for finances, having life insurance is much or somewhat more important than it was two years ago. At the same time, the survey found that these economic pressures along with concerns over a partner's reaction are important reasons why many couples are avoiding the topic entirely.
This is especially true for men and women faced with the prospect of becoming primary income earners for the family. When asked about why they would not initiate a conversation about life insurance, they cited the following factors as very or somewhat important:

74% said that avoiding the conversation comes from the pressure of meeting immediate household financial needs as the sole income earner.
51% of respondents answered that should a partner lose a job, that time would not be the best to bring up a subject that might make them feel even worse.
But despite economic pressures, most people in the survey still indicated that having insurance coverage for someone at home caring for children is just as important as someone earning an income.
85 percent of respondents strongly or somewhat agreed that life insurance is just as critical for a spouse or partner who stays at home and cares for children as it is for the spouse or partner who is the primary income earner. Make A Plan. It can be empowering for couples to agree on goals and steps towards achieving a more secure future. For couples experiencing severe economic setbacks, it can be reassuring to have a strategy in place to get back on their feet financially and to prepare for the unexpected.
Start Small. Often couples may feel the gap is too great between what they have to work with financially today versus what they would like to have in the future. But starting with small steps - such as getting educated about life insurance basics - can set the stage for follow-on steps later.
janekitt さんによる翻訳

Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
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