Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] カンボジア、ウェブトラフィック全体の4分の1がモバイル経由[インフォグラフィック] カンボジアは人口の大部分が農村地区に住んでいる(都市部に住んでい...

Cambodia Generates a Quarter of All Web Traffic on Mobiles [INFOGRAPHIC]

Cambodia is unusual in Asia for having a largely rural population – only 20 percent live in an urban environment. Perhaps as a direct result of this, Cambodia’s 15 million inhabitants are pioneers of the mobile web. Recently, Cambodia was the first country in the world to claim more mobile phones than landlines, and this new infographic report from WeAreSocial reveals that almost one quarter of all the nation’s internet activity comes from mobile phones. Since we last looked at Cambodia’s web scene late last year, it has seen mobile subscribers nearly double so that there’s now 131 percent mobile penetration. As for 3G, a very encouraging 3.25 million are signed up to the quickest mobile data on offer, which is a pretty solid 16.5 percent of all mobile subscriptions. The number of internet users has leapt up by an even more extraordinary 548 percent, so that there are now 2.47 million connected online. This is likely due to seven new ISPs coming online in 2011 as Cambodia’s infrastructure slowly modernizes. With 64 percent of the population being under 30 years of age, it’s no surprise that social media are a core online passtime. The Facebook Ad Planner suggests there are 690,520 social media users in Cambodia this month – not an enticingly huge draw for brands doing social marketing (compared to the 8.53 million social users in Vietnam this year), but it’s still a young and receptive audience. It’s surely also a country where Facebook is looking forward to seeing millions of new users. Here’s the full report in slideshow form:

For more fun graphics like this one, check out previous entries in our infographic series.
zhizi さんによる翻訳

国民の64%が30才以下なので、ソーシャルメディアがオンラインの主な楽しみでも不思議ではない。Facebook Ad Plannerは、今月カンボジアには690,520人のソーシャルメディアユーザーがいると示唆している。ソーシャルマーケティングをしているブランドにとっては魅力的な大きな数字ではないが(ベトナムには今年853万人のソーシャルユーザーがいる)、若くて感受性のある集まりだ。そして、Facebookが何百万人という新規ユーザーを獲得しようと目を向けている国であることも確かだ。それでは、スライドショー形式の全リポートをどうぞ。


Conyac で翻訳した結果

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zhizi zhizi