[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 全て、QRコードを中心にしており、WeChatアプリ内で読むことができる。QRコードは、アプリ内なら、簡単に誰でも作ることができ、ウェブ上で共有することも...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は yoggie さん nobula さん 3_yumie7 さん kei_k さん kogawa さん captainjoel さんの 6人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 12件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 2485文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 50時間 26分 です。

startupdatingによる依頼 2012/09/06 02:12:08 閲覧 2190回
残り時間: 終了

WeChat App Pushes Into Social Media Marketing Via QR Codes

The world’s biggest group messaging app, Tencent’s WeChat – or “Weixin” as it’s called in Chinese – is taking an interesting turn in China. It is now also a platform for social media marketing, allowing blogs, newspapers, TV shows, brands, and celebrities to reach out directly to the app’s 100+ million users.



This new aspect of WeChat is being pushed by Tencent on mp.weixin.qq.com, where users of the messaging app can login and browse some interesting people or media to follow. It makes the messaging app a lot more like China’s Twitter clones, such as Tencent Weibo and its rival Sina Weibo. Already, a bunch of Chinese celebrities have agreed to join in the fun, as well as popular TV programmes like the dating show Fei Chang Wu Rao. Also, it’s good to see that lots of local tech blogs are trying this social media venture as well.

WebChatのユーザーがログインし、面白い人々やメディアを閲覧しフォローできるmp.weixin.qq.comの場で、TencentはWeChatのこの新しい側を推進している。それにより、WebChatは、Tencent WeiboやそのライバルSina Weiboのような中国版Twitterのようなものになってきている。数多くの中国の有名人や、デート番組Fei Chang Wu Raoのような人気テレビ番組がこの流れに参加してきている。また、多くの地元のテクノロジー・ブログもこのソーシャルメディアの企てに参画しようとしているのはいいことだ。

It all centers around QR codes, which are readable within the WeChat app. QR codes are easily created by anyone within the app, and can be shared on the web or printed out. Now, with this new focus on using it for marketing, it’s a tool for brands as well. Possible future uses include dishing out discount coupons to loyal and engaged customers. This means that companies now need to consider WeChat as a means of reaching out to Chinese consumers.


To test this out, I went to Chinese-language tech blog iFanr.com and scanned its new WeChat QR code. Now I’ve friended – or followed – the site on WeChat, and it occasionally sends out a mass message to everyone who follows:

Thankfully iFanr has been nice and just sent me two messages over the course of two days. But, in theory, this whole marketing push could be used to spam users directly on their phones.

これをテストするため、私は中国語のテクノロジー・ブログのiFanr.comで新しいWeChat QRコードをスキャンしてみた。私はWeChat上でiFanr.comと友達になり、フォローされているというべきか、時々フォロワー向けのメッセージを送ってくる。


At the moment, though, the whole system is rather over-reliant on those QR codes. There’s no good way to search for all these brands, blogs, and celebs within the WeChat app, so you’ll need to find and snap that QR elsewhere on the web. It’s conceivable that Tencent will add some kind of discovery portal within the app soon. With that in place, the group messaging app will have taken a clever – if somewhat odd – step forward in becoming a lot more like Weibo.


Meanwhile, over in Korea and Japan, messaging apps KakaoTalk and Line have taken a different approach and launched social gaming platforms. With Tencent also being the king of gaming in China, it’s possible that WeChat could also go in that direction at a later date.



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