Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 結局ほとんどのビジネスの問題の背後にあるのは学習の問題で、そしてこれらの3つの主義はあなたの組織の知識共有プログラムが静的で停滞しているか、または、それが...

To encourage participation, don’t bury your learning content behind a firewall where nobody can access it. If someone has to VPN in to your system, they’re probably not going to collaborate in real time. You need to get those access barriers out of the way.

Second, you need to get a feel for the typical workflow of your employees so that you can optimize your learning strategy for their unique work style. What apps do they use? Are they using email a lot? How much of their time is spent on the go, or in the office, together? Once you get a firm grasp of how your teams like to work, you can start to implement tools that make sense for them. 4. Learn or Die

We’ve spent too much time in recent years doing social media for social media’s sake. We’ve spent too much time talking about activity streams, likes, and other small features.

If learning has not switched from push to pull, is not peer centered, and you don’t do it as fast as possible, do you really believe one social network is going to solve your problem? It won’t. After all, behind most business problems is a learning problem, and these three principles can make all the difference in whether your organization’s knowledge-sharing program is static and stale, or whether it is a thriving, dynamic resource that pumps up the bottom line. The gist is this: Any company that wants to flourish must learn or die.
ihirom さんによる翻訳
4. 学ぶか死か

Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
ihirom ihirom
More than 10 years experience in English <=> Japanese.
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