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[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] インドのオンライン販売店Myntra、新たに2500万ドルの資金調達か? インドの生活・ファッション用品のオンライン販売店Myntra.comが、A...

Indian Online Retailer Myntra to Raise Another $25 Million?

Indian online retailer of lifestyle and fashion products,, is reportedly set to secure investment from Accel Partners and Tiger Global Management to the tune of $25 million, according to The Times of India citing unnamed sources [1]. The same two American investors recently pumped more than $100 million into Indian e-commerce firm Flipkart.

While the Times of India says that the Myntra co-founder Mukesh Bansal ‘denied he had closed any fund raise,’ when we contacted Myntra representatives, they could not at the moment comment, but did not specifically deny the news either. Should the rumor be true however, then Myntra would have secured a total of $74 million in investment since it started operations in 2007. This would also be the fourth round raised by the Bangalore-based company as it had previously secured $20 million in February of this year, $14 million in November 2010, and $5 million prior to that. In addition to all that, here is this interesting speculation on Asian Correspondent that there might be a possible acquisition or merger between Flipkart and Myntra in the investors’ mind. Letsbuy was the main challenger to Flipkart just a while ago, until Flipkart bought Letsbuy for $25 million in February. There are similar traits to that story and Myntra: now both Myntra and Flipkart have the same two investors as well. Interesting, right? Amidst the rumors, it looks like Myntra is doing very well at the moment. Here is some insight to Myntra’s operational size made by Mukesh Bansal last month:

We currently get around 8,000 orders a day. Since we are exclusively into fashion and lifestyle, we are holding almost 20 to 30 percent market share in this segment. Myntra has been doubling in revenue every five to six months consistently for the past 15 months. We used to average about 4,000 transactions about five months back and today we have doubled this figure. Our average transactions have also grown by over 25 per cent as compared to last year. Bansal also hopes that his company can come close to being a billion dollar business in the next four to five years.

1. The Times of India did not explicitly cite unnamed sources in the article, but given the size of this investment, we decided it would be responsible to follow up with them, and that’s what we are told.
yakuok さんによる翻訳

インドの生活・ファッション用品のオンライン販売店Myntra.comが、Accel PartnersとTiger Global Managementから2500万ドル相当と見られる投資を受けるとの身元不明の情報元[1]から得たとされるThe Times of Indiaの報告が上がっている。同じく上記投資会社2社は最近、1億ドル以上をインドのEコマース企業Flipkartにも投資している。

The Times of Indiaは、Myntraの共同創始者であるMukesh Bansalは「彼が追加投資を受けたとされる噂は否定した」としているが、我々がMyntraの広報担当者に連絡した時、彼らは現時点では答えられないとしたが、同時にこの噂の否定もしなかった。
それら全てに付け加え、投資家の間でFlipkartとMyntraの買収もしくは統合の話が可能性として上がっているとされるAsian Correspondentの興味深い洞察もある。今からそう遠くない2月に、FlipkartがLetsbuyを2500万ドルで買収するまで、LetsbuyはFlipkartの最大の競争相手であった。その話とMyntraには共通の足取りを見出すことができる。現在、MyntraとFlipkartは同じ投資会社2社の手にかかっているのだ。いささか興味深い話ではないか。
噂の渦中、Myntraは今のところ非常に良い業績をおさめているようだ。以下は、Mukesh Bansalが先月述べたMyntraの運営規模の内情を示したものだ:


1. The Times of Indiaは、記事内で身元不明のソースをはっきりと記述していないが、この規模の投資を考えたとき我々はさらに追及すべきと考え、そしてその結果、彼らは我々にこのように述べた。

Conyac で翻訳した結果

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yakuok yakuok