Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 360Buyのクーリエ便、政府の許可を得て実現化へ 我々は先日、大手オンライン販売ショップの数社が、顧客に独自の商品を送り届けるべく流通企業を立ち上...

360Buy’s Express Delivery Trucks Ready to Hit the Road After Government Approval

We reported recently on a significant strategic shift in China’s e-commerce industry whereby a number of leading e-tailers wanted to start logistics companies so as to deliver their own products to customers. Now, China’s State Post Bureau has evaluated all their applications and it’s good news for only one of them: 360Buy. It was the only e-commerce site granted a license to expand into the courier industry, thereby dashing the hopes of Vancl, Coo8, and VIPshop. In response to the news, 360Buy’s CEO Liu Qiangdong took to his Weibo account to say that his company’s express delivery service will launch at the end of August. It marks the end of a battle that has actually rumbled on for two whole years when the site – China’s second-largest B2C e-tailer – first applied to expand into logistics. The strategic move being made by some of these sites reflects a desire to crackdown on the weakest link in its chain to customers, the assortment of hundreds of private and state-run courier businesses that deliver billions of dollars worth of items each year. The recently-listed VIPshop (NYSE:VIPS) claims that the company hits a successful delivery rate of just 95 percent with its current logistics partners, and that it needs to up those percentage points in whatever way it can – even if it means a phenomenally expensive shift into a new industry. But the e-commerce market leader in China, Alibaba (with its Taobao and Tmall businesses), is sticking with the current system, and has made no sign of moving into logistics itself.

In total, the State Post Bureau approved 260 licenses for logistics companies in this initial round of audits, with all but one of them being conventional courier firms. The likes of Vancl and other hopefuls might be luckier next time.
yakuok さんによる翻訳

このニュースを受けて、360Buyの最高経営責任者であるLiu Qiangdongは、彼のWeiboアカウント上で、彼の企業の速達サービスは8月末に開始されることを明らかにした。これで、中国で2番目に大きいとされるB2Cオンライン販売ショップの360Buyが、初めて流通分野へと事業展開するために申請を行ってから、実に2年間に渡り続いてきた競争が終焉を告げることになった。
これらのサイトによる戦略的な動きは、顧客とのつながりで弱いとされる部分 ー数十億ドルに値する製品を毎年郵送している数百もの個人や国が経営するクーリエ企業の集まりー を抑圧したいとする欲求を反映している。先頃上場したVIPshop(NYSE:VIPS)は、既存のロジスティックサービス提携先の成功郵送率は95%に留まっており、たとえそれが多くの資金を要する新たな産業へのシフトあっても、成功郵送率を上げるために当企業は考えられる策全てを実行していく必要があると述べている。


Conyac で翻訳した結果

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