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[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 韓国のカップルのためのソーシャルアプリ「Between」、どこででも2人の「間」に。 韓国のカップルのためのアプリBetweenは 最近、90万のダ...

Korea’s Social App-For-Two Wants to Get Between Couples Everywhere

Korean couples app Between recently crossed the 900,000 download mark and is seeking a new round of funding next month. The app aims to create a one-on-one ‘intimate space’ to share chats, photos, videos, and emoticons between lovers. Users are currently sending roughly 4.9 million messages, sharing 350,000 photos, and spending 10 minutes on the app per day. How is it different than Pair, another couples-only app that has been getting lots of media love lately? Edward Lee, the ‘value innovator’ at the app’s parent company Value Creators & Company (VCVC), says that Between emphasizes memories much more than its competitors. Lee explains:

Between focuses on organizing and looking back at the memories. We have a solid communication method and a method to stack your memories and look back at them quickly. Another difference one could glean between Between and Pair is the former’s current focus on Asia. Almost all of Between’s users are in Asia right now – 75 percent in South Korea, 7 to 8 percent in both Japan and China, and about 5 percent in the US, says Lee. But with a new round of investment, VNVC will seek to expand the app in other countries and continents. Monetization plans for Between are threefold:

Paid functions like premium emoticons, longer video messages, and data back-up

Physical commerce: a man could send a latte to his girlfriend through the app, for example, or have a photo-book made of their memories made

Advertising: Romantic goods and services like travel getaways or flower deliveries could promote their services through an “event box channel” on the application Between won best mobile app at The Next Web Conference in Amsterdam earlier this year and came in second at the Echelon 2012 Startup Pitch in Singapore.

It should be interesting to watch Between battle it out with Pair for the affections of couples around the world.
zhizi さんによる翻訳

韓国のカップルのためのアプリBetweenは 最近、90万のダウンロード数を超え、来月に新たな資金調達を計画している。同アプリは、恋人達がチャットをしたり、写真やビデオ、絵文字を共有するための1対1の「親密なスペース」をつくることを目指している。現在、ユーザーは約490万件のメッセージを送りあい、350万枚の写真を共有し、各ユーザーの1日の利用時間は10分となっている。
最近メディアから熱い視線を集めているもう1つのカップル専用アプリPairとは何が違うのだろう?Betweenの親会社Value Creators & Company (VCVC)の'バリュー・イノベーター'であるEdward Lee氏は、Betweenは競合他社と比べて「思い出づくり」に遥かに力を注いでいると言う。




Betweenは、アムステルダムで今年開催された「The Next Web Conference」で最優秀モバイルアプリに選ばれ、シンガポールで行われた「Echelon 2012 Startup Pitch」では準優勝を果たした。


Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
zhizi zhizi