Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] NoLimit、インドネシアのソーシャルメディアにおける会話内容を分析 多くの人々がインドネシア市場に関心を持っており、インドネシア人がソーシャルメ...

NoLimit Analyzes the Conversation on Indonesian Social Media

Lots of people are interested in the Indonesian market and want to know what Indonesians are talking about on social media. But the language can be a barrier, and analyzing and reporting on social media sentiment is difficult and time consuming. The NoLimit team hopes to change that. NoLimit aggregates all content from Indonesia’s major social networks, analyzes it, and provides easy-to-understand but remarkably deep reports on everything from total conversation volume to discussion sentiment. Supposedly, the algorithm it uses is quite advanced and the team spent more than 11 months making sure it accounts for the intricacies of Indonesian internet slang and other kinds of creative language. The resulting demo was impressive. A report on political parties in Indonesia showed which parties were dominiating the conversation, and which are the most liked and hated. Data was available over time or on a day by day basis, and goes quite deep — so deep, in fact, that it’s possible to view which specific users are posting the most about a company, how much of what they say is positive or negative, and more.

The market for a service like this is not small. There are more than half a million SMEs in Indonesia, and thousands more government organs, NGOs, international companies, and public figures who might be interested in tracking what’s being said about them in Indonesian social media. This pitch got particularly loud cheers, and the judges seemed pretty happy with it, too. “Sounds legit,” said judge Benjamin Joffe before asking a few clarifying questions. Judge Daniel Saito suggested it ought to be taken global, but NoLimit stressed that its language algorithm is very finely tuned to Indonesian. Saito added that the team needs to learn to explain its algorithm a bit better. Benjamin Joffe also suggested they add correction analysis — some kind of recommendation on how companies can react when they find online sentiment is negative. This is a part of our coverage of Startup Asia Jakarta 2012, our startup event running on June 8 and 9. For the rest of our Startup Arena pitches, see here. You can follow along on Twitter at @startupasia, on our Facebook page, on Google Plus, or via RSS.
yakuok さんによる翻訳


このピッチ内容は特に大きな喝采を浴び、審査員もまた非常に満足した様子であった。確認のための質問を投げかける前に、審査員のBenjamin Joffe氏は、「合理的に思える」、と述べた。審査員のDaniel Saito氏は、海外に向けて発信されるべきであると示唆したが、NoLimitは、当企業の言語アルゴリズムはインドネシア市場にうまく適応したものであると主張した。Benjamin Joffe氏はまた、企業がオンライン上で否定的な意見を見つけたときにいかに対応していくべきかを示す提案のような補正分析を追加すべきだと示唆した。
以上が、6月8日から9日に渡り開催の我々のスタートアップイベントStartup Asia Jakarta 2012の特集の一部である。我々のStartup Arenaのその他のピッチ内容は、ここから。Twitterの@startupasiaから、もしくは我々のFacebookページ、Google+、RSSを通じてのフォローも可能となっている。

Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
yakuok yakuok