Mintaraga agreed, saying that his company has to drill its startups on business plans and “bring them a little bit down to earth.” Cuaca agreed as well. “The biggest challenge for investors is to find a good founder,” he said. Even if the product or idea isn’t that good, “a good founder will find a way,” he said. On the flipside, Liem added, a great product isn’t going to go anywhere if there isn’t a good founder behind it.
This is a part of our coverage of Startup Asia Jakarta 2012, our startup event running on June 7 and 8. You can follow along on Twitter at @startupasia, on our Facebook page, on Google Plus, or via RSS.
こちらは6/7と6/8に弊社開催のスタートアップイベント、Startup Asia Jakarta 2012の報道記事の一部です。@startupasiaでツイッター、フェイスブック、Google+、RSSでフォロー可能です。
これはStartup Asia Jakarta 2012のレポートの一部で、我々のスタートアップ イベントは6月7日と8日に行われます。我々のStartup Arenaでの残りのピッチは、こちらをご覧ください。ツイッターでのフォローは@startupasia、またはFacebook, Google Plus、RSSを通して我々のフォローができます。