Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 市場規模は明らかに大きい。2009年には、SMEが12,400,000,000USドル分の商品を中国からだけで輸入し、SME輸入の80%は卸売と非製造系企...

[LAUNCHPAD] Gates2Asia Pitches a Groupon for SME Businesses

Founded in March last year, Gates2Asia (G2A) is a B2B cooperative buying sites for international based SME’s to buy directly from low cost Asian suppliers like China. Essentially it is like a Groupon for SMEs, meaning when teaming up with other SMEs to buy the same things in bulk it leads to lower costs and greater competitiveness. Although the site is still in beta and will officially launch in August this year, Founder and CEO Kenneth Chan has big hopes for G2A. Self-funded with a team of 5, Chan wants to help the little SME guy be as competitive as their larger competitors that have sophisticated supply chains and relationships to low cost Asian suppliers. You could argue that this is what Jack Ma did with Alibaba, but businesses like G2A have mixed in cooperative buying to make purchasing even cheaper. Chan says the biggest problems for international SMEs when buying from China is that they are uncomfortable with the process including language, customs, shipping, how to pay, taxes etc. The market size is evidently big. In 2009, SME’s imported US$124 billion in goods from China alone and 80% of SME imports were from wholesalers and non-manufacturing companies. Such a big opportunity was not neglected when Japanese based Infinity Ventures and SOS Ventures, invested US$3M into and the winner of TechCrunch Disrupt Beijing in 2011.

The process is fairly simple. SMEs can join G2A, state what they want to buy and the quantities they want. After sourcing and negotiating with suppliers they post the details on a board. Other SME buyers can join the co-operative and when there is enough, the purchase order is made. Of course everyone saves money because the total order is large. SMEs can rate their experience with the supplier to warn or encourage others. The rating system is also designed to promote good suppliers or other SMEs and remove the bad ones. Such transparency mechanisms are aimed at keeping everyone honest and efficient. Alibaba has been infamously found to be promoting shady suppliers because they simply paid for it. G2A does not charge any fees except for a cut of the transaction value to keep the platform performance based.

To test the business model G2A will start with computer products.
zhizi さんによる翻訳
[ローンチパッド] Gates2Asia、中小企業のためのグルーポン系事業を紹介

現在ベータ版のこのサイトは今年8月に正式にローンチする予定だが、創業者兼CEOのKenneth Chan氏はG2Aに大きな期待を抱いている。G2Aには自らが出資し、5人が働いている。Chan氏が望んでいるのは中小企業をサポートすること。大企業は、低価格商品を扱うアジアの供給業者と立派なサプライチェーンや関係を確立している。Chan氏は、そんな大企業と中小企業が互角に戦えるような手助けをしたいのだ。Jack Ma氏がAlibabaで行なったことと同じじゃないかと思うかもしれないが、G2Aのような企業は企業購買力を合わせ、価格を更に引き下げることができる。世界の中小企業にとって、中国から商品を買う時の一番大きな問題は、言葉、慣習、出荷、支払方法や税金などの手続きに不安があることだと Chan氏は述べている。
市場規模は明らかに大きい。2009年、中小企業による中国からの商品輸入は1240億米ドルで、中小企業の輸入全体の80%は卸業者や非製造業からである。日本に拠点をおくインフィニティー・ベンチャーズそしてSOS venturesが、2011年の「TechCrunch Disrupt Beijing」で優勝した「」に投資した時、このように大きなチャンスが見過ごされることはなかった。



Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
zhizi zhizi