The low-fuel sender is a float switch which activates the LOW FUEL annunciator, indicating approximately five gallons of usable fuel remaining.
On later aircraft, a second float switch activates the <12 GAL FUEL annunciator, indicating approximately 12 gallons of usable fuel remaining. At moderate to high power settings, the 12 gallon annunciator will illuminate approximately 15 to 20 minutes prior to the LOW FUEL annunciation.
Due to fuel tank geometry, the level at which the <12 GAL FUEL annunciator illuminates varies with helicopter pitch and roll attitude and is therefore affected by helicopter CG.
後期の機種には、2つ目のフロートスイッチがあり、使用可能燃料が凡そ12ガロンとなったことを知らせる12 GAL FUEL 警報装置が装備されている。これにより、moderateからhigh のパワーセッティングに於いて、LOW FUEL警告の15-20分前に12ガロン警告を点灯させるようになっている。
後期型の航空機では、2つ目のフロートスイッチが<12ガロン燃料>アナンシエーターを作動させ、使用可能な燃料残量が約12ガロンであることを示します。中程度から高出力の設定では、12ガロンのアナンシエーターは、LOW FUELのアナウンスが出る約15~20分前に点灯します。
12 gallon annunciation is accurate in a level attitude but may be inaccurate by as much as four gallons if helicopter is loaded to CG limits. Aft, left loadings cause annunciation with less than 12 gallons remaining and forward, right loadings cause annunciation with more than 12 gallons remaining.
For high engine torque/MGT, a beeping tone indicates torque above 100% or MGT above 782°C (5-minute limits). High torque is indicated by four beeps per second, increasing to 12 beeps per second if torque exceeds 108%. High MGT is indicated by 12 beeps per second. The beep tone will also come on during start if MGT exceeds 860°C, indicating an abnormally hot start.
Test buttons on the instrument panel permit pre-flight or in-flight tests of the high RPM and high torque/MGT tones.
For high torque/MGT, depressing the test button give four beeps per second for two seconds followed by 12 beeps per second.