入力した追跡番号は通関用番号なので追跡番号ではありませんが、試して入力してみたら”Jan 6,2021 DELIVERED IN/AT MAILBOX”eBay配信ステータスに記録が残っていました。その画像を見せたいです。
For the input tracking number is for customs not for the real tracking number, but I found the record of shipping status by eBay saying a message ”Jan 6, 2021 DELIVERED IN/AT MAILBOX”. I want to show you the photo for your reference.
It will be delivered within 30 days after shipping. We know that it has been delivered, so this number was effective for a while. When we checked with USPS, this number was not valid. In actual fact, even if it was delivered, it could be the case of someone committing a crime by “posing as the buyer and making a false claim about not receiving it”. So please check with the post office. Also, we will request PayPal to collect back the refunded fees.