私自身でしっかり商品の検品もしていますので、不具合はありません。 ただ万が一という事もありますので、私に商品を新品のままで送って下さいと伝えていますが、返信がありません。私の方で商品を確認してから返金致しますので、バイヤーにその事を伝えて頂けますか。私の予想では商品が届いた後に間違えたなどの可能性があります。
I have met many cheating buyers up to now, but this buyer bought newly launched products from me.
I inspected the products thoroughly myself and discovered no defects. I contacted him to say that I would be shipping the products but received no response. We will refund the money after verifying the product but has the buyer conveyed this matter to us? I think that perhaps there is a possibility of the wrong product arriving.