3. 4K素材はDJI Mavic 2 Pro, FHD素材はDJI Mavic Proです。
4. 4Kを50件、FHDを50件用意します。
5. 全てRAW / LOG
I'm glad to know that you are positively considering about my application.
Below are answers to your questions.
1. Please refer to 2. I will prepare respective material which can be used for commercial purpose.
2. At an initial stage, I will prepare 100 pieces.
(Would you like to check actual material? If necessary, I will prepare them as a closed list on YouTube etc.)
3. 4K material is DJI Mavic 2 Pro, FHD material is DJI Mavic Pro.
4. I will prepare 50 pieces of 4K and 50 pieces of FHD.
5. All are RAW/LOG