[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] アジャイルマーケティングを始めるには アジャイルマーケティングを組織に導入するにはどうすれば良いのだろうか?多くの組織が苦戦し、成功の度合いが違うの...

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startupdatingによる依頼 2015/09/08 13:25:12 閲覧 5000回
残り時間: 終了

How to get started with agile marketing

How do you introduce agile marketing into an organization? I’ve watched many organizations struggle with this, with varying degrees of success. While there is no magic formula, I have a few suggestions based on experience.

My thoughts are highly influenced by the best book I’ve ever read on change management, Point B by Peter Bregman. If you haven’t read it, get it immediately. Everyone has to manage change, whether it be introducing agile marketing to an organization or introducing a new technology or service to a customer.



私の考えはチェンジマネジメントに関して私が読んだ中で最高の本であるPeter Bregman著Point Bに強く影響されている。まだ読んでいないということであれば、今すぐにでも是非入手をおすすめしたい。アジャイルマーケティングを組織に導入するにせよ、新技術やサービスを顧客に紹介するにせよ、誰しも変化を管理しなければならないのである。

1. Make the Case

Why is the change being made? What’s in it for the participants in the change? You have to answer these questions first, and I try to do so by appealing to the heart, not the brain. I do this by telling stories, and weaving those stories into a narrative. If you’re unsure about the difference between a story and a narrative, see this post about story and narrative. The narrative, or the promise, of agile marketing is to increase the predictability, transparency, velocity, and adaptability of the marketing function. It leads to marketing that is done in a rapid, iterative, experimental, don’t-be-afraid-to-fail fashion that complements agile development.

1. 必要性を説明する


Involve the participants in making the case for agile marketing. Someone told me a long time ago, “People support what they help create.” I think that’s true. If the participants in the change are making the case, and they’re involved early on, their level of engagement will be much higher. No one likes change foisted upon them. But change where they have some control, and that meets their needs . . . that’s much more likely to succeed.


I involve people by asking questions. Here are a few of mine, but make sure that you add your own:

・What do you love about marketing? What do you find frustrating?
・What’s working here (at this organization)? What’s not working?
・Does management understand what marketing does? Why or why not? Does sales understand marketing? Again, why or why not?
・What’s your experience with the pace of change of marketing? Is it pretty much the same as it was 10 years ago, or has it changed? How has it changed? What about the next 10 years? Do you think the pace of change will slow down or speed up? What are you doing to prepare for it?


・ あなたにとってマーケティングで好きなことは何ですか?嫌いなことは何ですか?
・ (この組織で)上手くいっていることは何ですか?上手くいっていないことは何ですか?
・ 幹部はマーケティングがしていることを理解していると思いますか?いずれの答えの場合でも、その理由も教えて下さい。営業はマーケティングを理解していると思いますか?今一度、いずれの答えでも、その理由も教えて下さい。
・ マーケティングの変化のペースに関する経験はどんなものでしょうか?10年前とほぼ変わりがないでしょうか?それとも変わったでしょうか?どう変わりましたか?次の10年ではどうでしょう?変化のペースは遅くなるでしょうか?それとも早くなるでしょうか?備えとして何かしていることがありますか?

・Do you have enough resources (everyone in marketing always answers no)? Would something that helped you get more done with the same resources be helpful here?

The answers to these questions lead to the reasons for change. Write them down. Refer back to them.

・十分なリソース(マーケティングの人間は、常に「ノー」と答える)を持っているか? 同じリソースを使って自分がもっと多くのことを成し遂げられるのに一役買うものは、ここでは有用だろうか?


2. Sponsorship

Introducing “agile” into a marketing organization requires sponsorship, not just from the most senior levels of marketing, but from sales and general management, too. If they’re not committed to it, don’t do it. I once taught a class on Agile Marketing to a group, and the VP of Marketing sat in the back of the room, working on email, occasionally stepping out to attend meetings or perhaps do something else. She never participated in any of the exercises, and the only questions she asked were skeptical. Not surprisingly, agile marketing failed at that organization. I never understood why she spent the money in the first place to bring me in.

2. スポンサー(後援者)


The sponsorship has to be the right kind. It can’t simply be a top-down dictum. It has to be the kind of sponsorship that is going to allow the team to make some of the critical decisions and find their own way. It has to hold them accountable, but also realize that there are going to be bumps along the way, and even some failures. If you’re not experiencing a few failures, you’re not taking enough risks. Good managers know this.


3. Build Competency

Learn the language of agile marketing. Understand the difference between a sprint and a scrum. Learn how to write user stories. Assign story points, and start measuring your velocity. By all means, take a class or read a book, but the best way to build competency is by doing. Realize that you won’t get it all right during that first Sprint. That’s OK. If you get it half right and improve from there, you’ll be fine.

3. コンピテンシーを構築する


Don’t practice “Scrumbut.” This is where you say, “We practice Scrum, but . . .” and you list most of the things that are at the heart of Scrum, and you really aren’t practicing it at all. Give the process a chance before you start modifying it for your own needs. Then, if you really have something that works better for you, by all means implement it. But build some competency first.


4. Persistence and Grit

Teams that succeed in agile marketing, just like teams that succeed in anything, have persistence and grit. It can easily take six months to a year before you start seeing all the benefits of agile marketing. The desire to change may be strong at first, but it will eventually get lost in the daily grind. People who persist due so by making small daily changes (like the daily scrum) and by showing perseverance. If you make a commitment and follow through on it, you are much more likely to succeed in making a change.

4. 粘り強さと根性



2015/01/21 数字表記についてアップデート済
THE BRIDGE(旧StartupDating)からの記事の依頼です。Tech in Asia、TechNode、e27などの記事の翻訳を依頼します。

*$:米ドル(例:US$250 million→2億5000万米ドル、15,000→1万5000 etc)

・angel investor:エンジェル投資家
・serial entrepreneur:シリアルアントレプレナー
・disruptive:震撼させるような、揺るがすような、革命を起こすほどのetc -> スタートアップシーンでは度々使われる単語です。単語で訳すのではなく、都度コンテクストと合わせて文章として意味が通じるように訳してください。






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