[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 「お客様の声」作成にご協力お願いします! 本日の和izm(ワイズム)体験に参加されての感想をお聞かせください。 改善点やご要望がございましたらお聞かせくだ...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は "文化" のトピックと関連があります。 [削除済みユーザ] さん tatsuoishimura さん 3_yumie7 さん osamu_kanda さん mdtrnsltn さん kanako0128 さん setsuko-atarashi さん hanuru_0125 さん yongshen_70 さんの 9人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 8件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 917文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 1時間 11分 です。

ei9001による依頼 2015/08/02 14:40:46 閲覧 3579回
残り時間: 終了


寿司の握り方8ステップ 小手返し
人差し指と中指で上からおさえる ⑤と同じ

We wish for your cooperation in preparing our "Voice of Customers."
Please tell us what you thought in joining the Wa-izm (Japanism) Course today.
Please tell us your comments and requests, if any. Tell us anything.

Eight steps of gripping and shaping sushi: kote-gaeshi
Put some sushi rice in your hands, round it up lightly, hold its top and bottom with your forefinger and thumb.
Make a dent in the middle with your forefinger.
Spread your left hand and roll it over to the fingertips.
Hold it on both sides with your thumb and forefinger, while getting it back into the place where it was.
Press its top with forefinger and middle finger.
Give it a half turn clockwise.
Hold it on both sides.
Hold its top with your forefinger and middle finger. The same as (5).


After graduating from a university, he obtained a job in a general company. However, thinking that he would like to do food-related work in which he had always been interested since his school days, he changed jobs to a long-standing sushi restaurant situated in Yokohama.
With his cheerfulness and the swift moves and persistence that he had learned to acquire from basketball, he won the confidence of his customers and senior sushi chefs, he was appointed four years later as the head of a new restaurant of the chain he was working for.
He became independent in January 2015. Wishing to serve his sushi to senior citizens unable to come over to his restaurant, he launched a sushi catering service. He calls himself "the youngest sushi catering chef in Japan!"
Today he provides sushi geared to particular purposes in business exchange meetings, various social gatherings, and other occasions mainly in Tokyo. He is also good at handling numbers, such as sales and cost management.




By removing waste and pursuing efficiency in sushi service, he aims to allow many people to enjoy high-quality full-fledged sushi.
His dream is to live in Okinawa.

Sushi catering service

He is kind of a genius: he began to use a kitchen knife at the age of four.
His first step was learning the basics of cooking at a Japanese restaurant.
Then, while working at an American-Japanese restaurant in Hawaii, he provided help at parties and wedding receptions at the Japanese Consulate, thereby becoming much versed in Japanese food culture. He was then recognized for his art of cooking and English proficiency.

ニューヨークNo.1のデザートレストラン 『サラベスSarabeth’s)』 の日本上陸時に料理長として一役担うなど、活動の分野は幅広い。


He then played a role as chef at the time of the arrival of New York's number one dessert restaurant "Sarabeth's" in Japan. His scope of activity is thus very wide.

Chef Saito makes much of "deep emotion from eating." He wanted to show as many people as possible how interesting cooking is, and to make even more people smile when eating something tasty. With such wishes, the chef was going throughout the global world of food. Now he has decided to go back to his origin and, as a Japanese, give help to this Wa-ism (Japanism) Course, a seminar designed to disseminate the Japanese food culture to future generations and to the rest of the world.





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  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
  • よりスキルの高い翻訳者が担当
