Thank you for contacting us. I am Jodi-Ann the agent assigned to assist. I understand that you are trying to get information on how to list your item ASIN B00IA9LMNW. Its my pleasure to advised you on this.
After researching this item ASIN B00IA9LMNW, I am seeing that you can sell this item with approval granted. To request approval you can send an email to You will receive a response from the department with 48 hours.
We value you as a seller and wish for you all the success with selling on
I hope this information was helpful and please don’t hesitate to contact us again if you need help in the future.
ご連絡ありがとうございます。担当エージェントのJodi-Annと申します。ASIN B00IA9LMNWの商品を出品するための情報をお探しとのことですね。お手続きは以下の通りとなります。
ASIN B00IA9LMNWを検索したところ、この商品の出品には商品が必要となっております。承認依頼は、pq-preapprovals@amazon.comまでメールにてご連絡ください。48時間以内に担当部門よりご連絡差し上げます。