Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 「もうすぐ家族と会えるね。あなたが家族と一緒に過ごせることが私も嬉しいよ。これはちょっとした日本のお土産なんだけど、アメリカに着いたら渡してくれる?ご家族...


Risaより 「ねぇTom聞いて、この間私の友達のAkaneとDavidとご飯を食べに行ったの。DavidとAkaneはその日が初対面だったにもかかわらず、その日の夜に彼が彼女の家に行きたいって言ったんだって。彼は何もしないからって家に行ったのに、結局ディープキスされて、首にもキスマークつけられて彼女本当に困ったって言ってた。私の大切な友達に初対面でそんなことするとか信じられないよ。 ちょっと彼のこと信じられなくなっちゃった。一緒に音楽しようって話になってたけど、正直もう私はやりたくないかな。彼は私にも頻繁にメールしてくるの。きっと寂しがりやで甘えん坊だと思う。なんかちょっと前までの私みたいだね。「なんでメール返してくれないか理解できない。」とか、めんどくさいメールたくさんあなたに送ってたもんね。前はたくさん迷惑かけてごめん。もうすぐ22歳になるし私大人になるから!まだまだお子ちゃまだけど変わるからね!」
mini373 さんによる翻訳
" You will see your family soon. I am happy for you that you get to spend time with your family. This is a little gift from Japan. Could you give it to them when you arrive in America please? Tell your family I said hello."
To everyone in Swift family,
Hello. This is Risa, a music friend of Kevin. How are you all?
It's getting warm in Japan and it is a cherry blossom season soon. This is a little gift from Japan. I hope you like it. I am really happy that I met Kevin and I am now his friend. He always cheers me up and gives me courage. I am very thankful for him.
I hope your family always stay well and happy.
"Hey, Tom. Look, I went out for meal with my friend, Akane and David. It was first time for them to meet each other but David said he wanted to go to Akane's place that night. He told her that he won't do anything but he gave her a French kiss and left a hickey on her neck and she was really upset. I can't believe he did such thing to my precious friend on the first day.
I can't trust him now. We were talking about playing music together but to be honest, I don't want to anymore. He often emails me as well. He is probably lonely and wants attention. It seems a bit like me a bit ago. I was sending you annoying emails like "I don't understand why you don't reply to my emails." I'm sorry that I caused you troubles a lot. I'm going to be 22 soon so I'll try to be an adult! I'm still a kid but I will change!"

Conyac で翻訳した結果

日本語 → 英語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
mini373 mini373