東京女子流 リミックスコンテスト開催!詳細発表!
②タイトル“東京女子流 タイトル未定(※18thシングルに収録される楽曲タイトル) -◯◯◯◯-"(○○○○はご自身でご自由に)、タグ“東京女子流リミックス18th”
6. 応募動画は、1ファイル1作品で作成してください。
②Title "TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE Undecided Title (※ 18th Single Recorded Song title) - -◯◯◯◯-"(please put whatever you would like in place of ○○○○), tag "TOKYO GIRLS STYLE Remix 18th" If the title is incorrect, or if a tag is not attached it is possible your entry will not be judged.
6. Please make the video application as 1 file.
② Title: "Tokyo Girl's Style title has not been decided yet (※Title of the song that is recorded in the 18th single album)-○○○○-" (you can fill out the ○○○○ at your discretion)
Tag: "Tokyo Girl's Style Remix 18th"
If the title is not correct and there is no tag, it might not be screened in the application.
6. You have to create 1 file for 1 moving picture when you apply.
7. 課題曲の著作(隣接)権は著作権者に帰属し、本企画への参加の目的に限ってその使用を許諾されています。課題曲の音源を、本コンテスト応募以外の目的のために、家庭内での私的使用の範囲を超え、複製・改変・公衆送信等をすることは法律により禁じられています。
8. 応募動画は、当社の判断により、下記目的に利用します。利用に際し、必要に応じ各種加工をさせ
(1) 東京女子流オフィシャルサイトへの掲載
(2) 東京女子流公式のネット番組等での使用
piece may be permitted only to the extent that is necessary for the participation in this project. Beyond private use within one's home, any use of the
sound source of the subject musical piece, including but not limited to copy/modification/public broadcast thereof, is prohibited by laws.
8. Submitted video may be used for the following purpose according to the consideration of the Company. For the purpose the submitted video may be
added several modifications necessary for the said purpose.
(1) For publification on the official web site of TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE
(2) For use for official activities of TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE such as their Internet programs.
8. Posting movie will be used for the purposes listed below. There is a case that the movie will be modified if necessary.
(1) Posting on TOKYO GIRL'S STYLE official site
(2) Usage in the internet broadcast of the official TOKYO GIRL'S STYLE
9. 応募動画をニコニコ動画以外のWEBサイトに投稿することはできません。他のWEBサイトにおける公開等が発見された場合、本企画への応募資格取消しの対象とさせていただく場合があります。
10. 応募規約に違反した場合、又は本企画にふさわしくないと当社が判断した場合、予告なく該当ファイルを削除し、応募資格取消しの対象とさせていただく場合があります。
9. You are not allowed to post to the other website except Niconico douga. If its existence was observed in the other website, the applicant will be disqualified.
10. If there is any violation of the rule, we will delete the file without notification and we will disqualify you.
9. Submitted video may not be posted at any websites other than Niconico. When the said video is found to be published or otherwise on websites other
than Niconico, the relevant application may be subject to the deprivation of application qualifications.
10. If a submitted file violates any application terms or is found by the Company to be inappropriate for this project, the relevant file may be subject to
removal without prior notice and the deprivation of application qualifications
11. 選考過程、及び選考結果に関するお問い合わせにはお答えいたしかねます。
12. 応募者が本企画に応募したことに関連し、何らかの損害を被った場合であっても当社、関係会社、業務委託先および審査員は一切責任を負いません。
12. The Company, its affiliates and subcontractors shall not be responsible for whatsoever if Applicants suffer from any damages in connection with their
applications for this project.
12. Our company, related company, outsourcing company, and judges will not be responsible for any kind of damage, injury, or loss which was caused due to the application to this event.
13. ご提供いただいた応募者の情報(プロフィール、個人情報を含みます)は、以下に挙げる利用目
only for, the following purposes, pursuant to Avex Group Privacy Policy (http://www.avex.co.jp/privacy/index.html) provided independently of the terms
(1) For use to the extent necessary to operate this project.
(1) Used in the purpose of proceeding this contest
14. 応募者は、本企画への参加に関し、自己の責めに帰すべき事由により、当社またはその他の第三者に対して損害を与えた場合、これを賠償する責任を負うものとします。
15. 本企画のへの参加並びに本規約の適用及び解釈は、日本法に準拠するものとします。
14. Applicants shall be obliged to compensate for damages to this Company or other third parties when such damages occurred in connection with Applicants' participation in the Project and Applicants are responsible for such occurrence.
15. As for the participation in this Project and this Term, The interpretation and application thereof shall be made according to Japanese laws.
14. By participating in this contest, the applicant accepts that, our company and affiliates are not responsible for any damage, injury or loss that may occur related to this contest.
15. Participation, as well was the application and interpretation of terms and conditions of this contest shall be governed by the Japanese law.
16. 応募者は、当社との間で本サイト又は本規約について訴訟の必要が生じた場合、東京地方裁判所、または東京簡易裁判所を第一審の専属的合意管轄裁判所とすることに合意するものとします。
17. 本規約は予告なく変更する場合があります。
17. This contract shall be changed without prior notification.
17. This rule can be changed without notification.