[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 「BACK TO THE ROOT presented by Discover America」 MTV「BACK TO THE ROOT presen...

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nakagawasyotaによる依頼 2014/12/24 17:26:16 閲覧 2207回
残り時間: 終了

「BACK TO THE ROOT presented by Discover America」

MTV「BACK TO THE ROOT presented by Discover America」

アーティストや著名人が、自身が最も影響を受けたと言えるアメリカのスーパースター達の、縁の地を巡りながら彼らの魅力や生き様を様々な角度から自分自身の手で紐解いていく特別番組「BACK TO THE ROOT」。

「BACK TO THE ROOT presented by Discover America」

MTV「BACK TO THE ROOT presented by Discover America」

In the special program "BACK TO THE ROOT" , artists and celebrities solve the reasons of American superstars's appeal and their way of life from every angle that they think had the biggest influence on them, visiting their root places.


Artist for the memorable first program is DAICHI MIURA.
He visits Los Angels which is place of Michel Jackson whose CD DAICHI MIURA bought when he was 6 years old. With natural singing ability and rhythm, a super entertainer who does choreography, song writing and play instruments, DAICHI MIURA is also called as "Japanese Michel" will encounter, touch and feel what of Michel in Los Angels. The program focuses on Michel Jackson and DAICHI MIURA both artists.

1/26(月)19:30 - 20:00
1/31(土)8:30 - 9:00

·On Air:
1/26(Mon) 19:30 - 20:00
1/31(Sat) 8:30 - 9:00
* Will be replayed twice on Feb.



アーティスト名は「DAICHI MIURA」に統一下さい。


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