Commenting on why they chose not to partner with Xiaomi, Wang Xionghui, ORVIBO CEO, gave three reasons in an interview with Digi Channel of (1) Xiaomi requires a partner to make one or two best-selling products (no less than one million shipments in a year) every year and sell them at cost, (2) a partner must sell a considerable stake to Xiaomi, and (3) only the Xiaomi logo, and not the partner’s, can be shown on products chosen by Xiaomi.
Xiaomiの提携しなかった理由について、ORVIBOのCEO、 Xionghui氏は、QQ.comのDigi Channelのインタビューの中で、3つの理由を挙げた。(1)XIaomiは、提携企業に毎年1つか2つの(年間販売数100万もの)商品を製作し、それをXiaomiに原価販売するよう求めている。(2)提携企業は、相当量の製品をXiaomiに販売しなければならない。(3)Xiaomiが選んだ商品には、提携企業のロゴは使用せず、Xiaomiのロゴのみとする。
It seems however that the third issue is not always true, as the logos of some companies, such as iHealth and Ant camera, are on their items sold on the Xiaomi store.
The first two issues are key aspects of Xiaomi’s strategy. But for a third party like ORVIBO, the concerns are (1) even if sales are in the millions, the third party can’t make a profit since products are sold at cost, (2) Xiaomi will gain users through gadget sales and have them stay on Xiaomi’s software platform, but other products by the third party cannot retain this user base, and (3) the investee must serve the needs of Xiaomi if the latter owns a considerable stake in it.
だが、iHealthやAnt Cameraといったいくつかの企業のロゴはXiaomiで販売されている商品に使用されているため、3つ目の理由については必ずしも正しいとは言えないようだ。