I have forwarded your request to our Europe office to see what they are able to do.
The Cross Blanket is related to our world famous Crux Blanket which was born in 1991. Pia was intrigued by the values, that a cross represents. In Swedish folk art tradition, the cross is a strong symbol for hope. It has remained an important symbol for Pia Wallén throughout her career.
Cross Blanketは世界的に有名で1991年に設立されたCrux Blanketと関連があります。Piaは十字架が表わす価値観に魅了されました。スウェーデンの伝統的なフォークアートにおいて十字架は希望のシンボルです。Pia Wallenのキャリア全般において重要なシンボルとされてきました。