拝啓 〇〇株式会社 担当者様
How do you do?
My name is . I run a seller central shop in Amazon.co. UK.
I listed your digital camera in the sales page of Amazon.co.UK in the beginning of last month.
I did not know about it. I apologize to have given you an inconvenience sincerely
because I listed your item that has not been authorized to sell within EEA at Amazon.
I apologize again.
I deleted all your items listed. I report it to you.
My name is 〇〇. I am running the Seller Central shop at amzon.co.uk.
In early last month, we were selling your digital camera at amazon.co.uk.
As we did not know we could not sell your products in EEA without your permission, we deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused to your company.
We would like to let you know that all products of your company have been deleted.
今後は、一切御社の商品をamazonに出品しないことを誓い、その旨を 御社のヨーロッパ担当者様である〇〇様にメールを数回送りましたが、全く連絡が取れなく今現在に至っています。
このまま販売停止の状態が続くと大変困リますので、お手数ですがアマゾンへのクレームの撤回をお願いできませんでしょうか? どうかご協力をお願い致します。
AMAZONショップ名 :J〇〇 担当:〇〇
以下 担当者様へのメール添付
I swear that I am not going to list your items at Amazon from now, and sent an email about it to who is responsible for Europe in your company several times. But I have not heard from him or her yet.
I will be in a big trouble if this situation where I cannot sell continues.
So I hate to ask you, but could you please request withdrawal of the claim to Amazon?
I appreciate if you cooperate with me.
Amazon shop: who is in charge of J
I attached the email to a responsible person below.
In the future, we promise that we would not sell your product in Amazon. We have sent several emails to your Europe Sales responsible person Mr. 〇〇 regarding the issue above, however, we could not reach him until now.
As we will be in trouble if we could not sell as it is, could you please withdraw your claim to Amazon? Sorry for troublesome but your help will be highly appreciated.
AMAZON Shop name: J〇〇
Contact: 〇〇
Below is the email sent to the responsible person.