Again, the only reason I purchased yours for $6,040.99 - U.S. is because of how it was depicted in your photo. I thought it was very unique, and I was willing to pay top dollar for it because it was different than the ones costing $2,191.99 less.
Please see this link at another site, for proof that this is the correct selling price for the same color guitar which I received.
Please credit my credit card account, $2,191.99, to make this a fair transaction.
繰り返しになりますが、御社の商品を米ドル6,040.99 で購入した唯一の決め手は、その商品の画像の表現方法でした。大変ユニークだと思いましたし、他者が販売している$2,191.99ほど価格の安いものよりも差別化がされていたので高値を支払ってもいいと思ったのです。