I also need for you to leave me a positive feed back as soon as you have received Victoria and have found everything to your satisfaction.You must do this before I give you a feed back because the importance of this high value Reborn Doll and the feed back is important for all the buyers and Sellers.The reason I tell you this is because, I have bought items from Buyers and after I leave them a feedback,I have a hard time getting them to leave me a feed back and that is bad for business.Understand?So,please write back to me with a reply to this message,and the other message I have send you.I need to always be in touch with you until you have received Victoria and have examined her.
Victoriaを受け取り、ご満足いただけるようでしたら良い評価をつけてください。私が評価を付ける前にご評価願います、高額のReborn Dollも評価もすべてのバイヤー、セラーにとって重要なことです。こう申し上げる理由はBuyersから商品を購入して私が評価を付けた後、私に対する評価をなかなかつけてくれないからです、これでは商売になりません。ご理解いただけましたでしょうか?このメッセージと別のメッセージをお読みになられましたらご返信おねがいします。Victoriaをお受取りいただき、ごかっく人いただくまではあなたと密に連絡を取る必要があります。