[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] それでは少し御時間を頂戴致しまして、京都JCの活動について紹介させて頂きます。よろしくお願い致します。 本年度は第62代理事長 小林育朗を筆頭に、これ...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は ayaka_maruyama さん [削除済みユーザ] さん sujiko さん mapmetroi さん berlinda さん [削除済みユーザ] さん tania さん [削除済みユーザ] さんの 8人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 14件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1435文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 0時間 46分 です。

ikazooによる依頼 2013/11/02 16:21:56 閲覧 5066回
残り時間: 終了


本年度は第62代理事長 小林育朗を筆頭に、これからの10年間を見据え策定した新行動指針「4 THE SHINING KYOTO〜輝く京都を目指して〜」を基軸とし、「ひとの輝き」「まちの輝き」「コミュニティーの輝き」「京都青年会議所の輝き」を目指し子どもが安心して暮らせる、かつての日本にあったコミュニティーを再構築し、このまちを一層輝かせる運動を展開しております。

I would like to take a short time for introducing the activities of the Kyoto JC. Please share the time with me.

In this physical year, we have been deploying various efforts to expand the movement for revitalizing the city by reconstructing the community used to be existed in Japan. The movement is lead by the 62nd director, KOBAYASHI, Ikuro and centered on the new course of action “For the Shining Kyoto” drawn up in focusing on the “Sparkling People”, “Brilliant City”, “Glowing community” and “Shining Koyo Junior Chamber” for next 10 years.




Kyoto JC has been holding realization of "bright and rich city Kyoto" as eternal theme, and has been carrying out the activity for more than 60 years.

First, I will introduce "Kyoto Conference."

From 1967 to today, conferences held in the beginning of year including general meeting of Public Interest Incorporated Associations Japan Junior Chamber have been held in our city Kyoto.
This "Kyoto Conference" is where activity of the year by welcoming JC members to Kyoto starts.
At the same time, it plays an important role as a place where movement of Japan Junior Chamber is informed to directors across the nation and members.





I would like to introduce a project that Kyoto JC worked on last year/

"Sumo for Kids"

"Sumo for Kids" focuses on children's healthy mental and physical growth, by teaching children the value courtesy, compassion for others and gratitude, through Japanese national sports, "Sumo." We have welcomed 400 boys and girls who reside and attend schools in elementary schools in Kyoto last year.

"Kyoto JC Cultural Boy Scouts"



Kyoto JC Cultural Boy Scouts was founded in 1979 in hopes to "create and develop healthy, Kyoto-oriented culture for kids and to nurture a certain love for their home town in the next generation, by extending the cultural circle of children and seeing Kyoto through their clear and pure minds."
Last year we opened 5 classes and taught children the love for their home town, for their neighbours and public morality.
106 children gave entry last year, and we chose 9 aspiring youths from them.


「京都学生人間力大賞」は、京都JC版TOYP(The Outstanding Young Persons)と呼べる事業です。積極果敢に社会貢献活動をしている傑出した学生にスポットライトをあて、その活動を広く市民へ発信する事により、次世代の担い手として京都に愛着を持って活躍して頂く事を目的としております。


Next I will introduce "Award of human ability of student in Kyoto".

This award can be an activity called Kyoto version of TOYP(The Outstanding Young Persons).
The purpose of this award is to make students act by having affection to Kyoto as people of the next generation by focusing on students who contribute to society actively and informing this activity to people widely.

Finally, I will introduce "Kizuna Jamboree 2012".


We thought that we need to deepen kizuna (bond) of family, which is the closest community, at first to reproduce connection between people and people that has been lost recently.

Therefore, we have carried out activiity by the style where people can participate by cooperating with government and corporation.

On the day an activity was held, we had booth for supporting raising children, challenge corner where families participate and live stage. At final stage, we had fireworks where about 2000 participants enjoyed and deepened the bond.



How did you feel about introduction of activity of Kyoto JC?
We have more activities that Kyoto JC have been working on other than those introduced above. But due to time limit, we stop here.

I finish introduction of Kyoto JC. I appreciate that you have listened to my introduction.



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