[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 相乗りプラットフォームのTripid、ネイティブモバイルアプリを新たにローンチ 相乗りプラットフォームのTripidは、新しいバージョンを発表した。...

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startupdatingによる依頼 2013/09/24 13:16:15 閲覧 2079回
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Ride-sharing platform Tripid launches anew with native mobile apps

Ride-sharing platform Tripid has launched a new version, with native iOS and Android apps in tow. Plus, users get a built-in payment system.

Transportation is one of the essential things in our lives. Whether you live in the city or farther away in the suburbs, having a reliable means of commuting around town is essential, especially if you want to arrive at your destination in comfort and in style. In Manila, killer traffic can often turn a 20-minute drive into two hours of hell, especially in inclement weather. One of the ways by which I think traffic can be reduced is through ride sharing, which is exactly what local startup Tripid is doing.




In our earlier interview with Tripid co-founder and CEO Michael Ngo Dee, he shared that his startup essentially improves utilization of a resource that’s already existing: private vehicles. We often see solo drivers plying the city’s streets, which means cars are under-utilized. Meanwhile, commuters are left to compete with other riders for space in the MRT, buses or jeepneys. Those who can afford it can take taxi cabs. But let’s face it — taking the cab can be expensive if you commute to and from work every day.

以前行ったインタビューにおいて、Tripidの共同創設者兼CEOのMichael Ngo氏は、「わが社は既存の力、すなわち自家用車の利用率を基本的に改善します。」と語っている。ドライバーが一人だけで街の通りを往来しているのをよく目にする。これはつまり、十分に車が活用されていないということを意味する。一方、通勤者たちは、MRTやバス、ジープニーの空きスペースを求めて他の乗客と競争するしかない。余裕がある人は、タクシーを拾うことができる。しかし、この問題に真っ向から取り組んでみよう――毎日の通勤でタクシーを拾えば高くつくだろう。

Tripid tries to match vehicle owners with commuters, such that they can carpool and share their resources. Drivers get to share a seat with fellow travelers. Commuters can then share a nominal amount for fuel expenses — certainly cheaper than paying for a cab. Of course, the added value here is that riding a private car can be safer and more enjoyable, especially if you are able to find reliable carpool-buddies whom you can ride with on a regular basis.


Tripid initially launched as a web application and offered a mobile-optimized version of its website for smartphone and tablet users. With the launch of this latest version, Tripid now highlights its mobile applications for Android and iOS, which make it easier for users to create routes and book rides while on the go.


Tripid Wallet

In the earlier releases of Tripid, payment had been a direct transaction between driver and passenger. With this re-launch, though, the app now has a built-in payment system, which makes it easier for users to pay and receive payments. Users can top-up their accounts with PhP100, 300, 500 and 1,000 denominations (US$2.28, 6.85, 11.42 and 22.84, respectively). Top-up payments can be made via PayPal, G-Cash and Dragonpay. Co-founder Mike told e27 that the team is also working on a mobile credits-based system, which will let users pay with their cellular bill or prepaid credits.

Check out Tripid on their website, iTunes app store and Google Play.

Tripid Wallet


本社サイト、iTunes App Store、Google PlayでTripidをチェックしよう。

Even with direct payments now being discouraged, drivers can easily withdraw their earnings from their Tripid Wallet into their PayPal accounts. Mike says the team is working on integrating their wallet system into the mobile app for more convenient top-ups and withdrawals.

Here’s where the Kickstart Ventures-backed startup‘s business model actually comes, as the startup takes a small cut from ride sharing revenues. As it matches demand with supply, I can say it leads to an optimal level of resource-sharing amongst drivers and passengers. This is what makes Tripid one of my favorite local startups so far, especially because it’s utilitarian, practical and eco-friendly.

現在直接支払いが奨励されていない一方で、ドライバーは自分のTripid Walletから簡単にPayPalアカウントへ自分の収入を払い戻すことができる。Mike氏は、より便利にトップアップや払い戻しができるよう、お財布機能をモバイルアプリに組み込んでいる最中だと語る。

ここに至って、Kickstart Venturesが支援するスタートアップの、相乗り収入から小さな利益を得るというビジネスモデルが結実した。需要と供給を一致させることで、運転手・乗客間の最適な自家用車の共有レベルを導くことになる、と言えるだろう。これが、いまのところ、Tripidをお気に入りの地元スタートアップに入れている理由だ。特に、実利的で、実用的で、環境に優しいからこそ、好きなのだ。


2015/01/21 数字表記についてアップデート済
THE BRIDGE(旧StartupDating)からの記事の依頼です。Tech in Asia、TechNode、e27などの記事の翻訳を依頼します。

*$:米ドル(例:US$250 million→2億5000万米ドル、15,000→1万5000 etc)

・angel investor:エンジェル投資家
・serial entrepreneur:シリアルアントレプレナー
・disruptive:震撼させるような、揺るがすような、革命を起こすほどのetc -> スタートアップシーンでは度々使われる単語です。単語で訳すのではなく、都度コンテクストと合わせて文章として意味が通じるように訳してください。




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