As far as concerned the senatorial and equestrian orders, the primacy of Antonius seemed firm enough--governing his provinces were the most prominent and most able members of that party, the consulars Pollio, Plancus and Ventidius. Not to mention Ahenobarbus, himself the leader of a party. The majority of the Republicans were now on the side of Antonills. After Philippi, Valerius Messalla, Bibulus and others transferred their allegiance to Antonius, who, though a Caesarian, was one of themselves, a soldier and a man of honor. Peace with Pompeius brought him further allies.
Philippi、 Valerius Messalla、 Bibulus、その他の面々がAntoniusへ忠誠を転換した後、彼もまた、シーザー派であったが、その内の一人であり、剣士であり、名誉の人であった。