Man now seeks to understand, and to act on, not only his environment but himself; and this has added, so to speak, a new dimension to reason, and new dimension to history. The present age is the most historically-minded of all ages. Modern man is to an unprecedented degree self-conscious of history. He peers eagerly back into twilight out of which he has come, in the hope that its fain beams and anxieties about the path that lies ahead quicken his insight into what lies behind. Past, present, and future are linked together in the endless chain of history.
その行く先に横たわるfain(faint 微かな?)光や心配が、背後にあるものへの洞察を掻き立てる。→その行く先に横たわるfain(faint 微かな?)光や心配が、背後にあるものへの洞察を掻き立てる【ことを期待しながら。】 【】内訳抜けがありました。失礼しました。