Just a quick e-mail on some potential Grans delays across May. Going forward, for the rest of May, there may not be much Original available. Scented & Cooling may still be around. This outage is expedited to last until late May, and is due to a factory inventory situation.
Our apologies in advance Haruo, hopefully we can work through this.
When you’re ready for order #13 lets discuss, we may have some Original available, but perhaps not much.
5月いっぱいのGransの納入遅れの可能性についてのお知らせです。今後の5月の残りの期間は、Originalは多く手に入らないかもしれません。 Scented & Coolingはまだ手に入ると思います。この品薄状態は5月下旬まで続くと思われますが、原因は工場の在庫状況の問題です。