[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] しかし彼は、自分に利するものを常に見つけることができた。彼は、当時生じていた不和に関してAntonyに考えを改めるよう、また同盟に引き入れようとMaece...

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symeによる依頼 2013/03/25 07:13:31 閲覧 901回
残り時間: 終了

But he was always clever at discovering what was for his advantage.He sent Maecenas to Antony to change the mind of the latter respecting the things about which they had lately had some bickering,and to bring him to an alliance.If Maecenas should not succeed,he intended to embark his infantry on merchant vessels, cross over to Sicily, abandon the sea, and wage war on land.While in this state of dejection the news reached him that Antony had agreed to the alliance,and he heard of a splendid victory over the Gauls, gained under the leadership of Agrippa.Certain cities also promised him ships, and built them.Accordingly,Octavian cast off his despondency,and made more formidable preparations than his previous ones.


At the beginning of spring, Antony set sail from Athens to Tarentum with 300 ships to assist Octavian as he had promised. But the latter had changed his mind and postponed his movement until his own ships should be finished. When called upon again and told that Antony's forces were ready and sufficient, he advanced other reasons for delay. It was evident that he was again offended with Antony about something, or that he disdained his assistance because his own resources were abundant. Antony was vexed, but he remained, nevertheless, and communicated with Octavian again, because the expense of his fleet was burdensome. Moreover, he needed Italian soldiers for his war against the Parthians, and he contemplated


exchanging his fleet for a part of Octavian's army;for, although it was provided in their treaty that each of them might recruit soldiers in Italy,it would be difficult for him to do so when Italy had fallen to the lot of Octavian. Accordingly,Octavia betook herself to her brother to act as mediator between them.Octavian complained that he had been abandoned by Antony when he was overtaken by danger in the straits;she replied that that had been explained through Maecenas.Octavian said that Antony had sent his freedman Callias to Lepidus in Africa to induce the latter to make an alliance against him;she replied that she knew that Callias had been sent to make arrangements about a marriage,because Antony desired,

(彼は、)Octavianの軍の一部と、彼の艦隊を交換する(つもりだった。)条約により、それぞれ兵はItaly内で調達するとしていたが、ItalyがOctavian の手に落ちていたため、それはAntonyには困難であった。したがってOctaviaは、彼らの間で仲介役として働くため、兄のもとに身を寄せた。Octavianは、彼が海峡で危険に不意を突かれたとき、Antony によって見捨てられたと文句を言った。それに対し、彼女は、Maecenasを通じてその説明を受けたと答えた。Antony が自由民であるCalliasをAfricaのLepidusのもとに送りこみ、Octavianに対抗する同盟を作らんとLepidusを誘導したと、Octavianは述べた。それに対し、彼女は、Antony が希望により、Calliasが結婚について手配するよう送られたことを知っていると、応じた。

before setting out on his Parthian expedition, to marry his daughter to the son of Lepidus, as had been agreed. After Octavian had made this statement Antony sent Callias to Octavian with permission to put him to the question. Octavian would not receive him, but said that he would go and have an interview with Antony between Metapontum and Tarentum, at a place where there is the river whence the town is named between them.They both chanced to reach the river at the same time. Antony rowed toward Octavian, showing confidence in him as a friend. When Octavian saw this he followed the example. So they met in the stream and contended with each other which of them should disembark on the other's bank.

Parthians遠征に出る前に、婚約していた彼の娘とLepidusの息子が結婚することを望んでいたからだ(と彼女は応じた)。Octavian はこの声明を発した後、Antonyは質問する権限を持つOctavian のもとにCalliasを送った。Octavian は彼を受け入れなかったが、MetapontumとTarentumの間でAntony と会見しようと言った。そこには川があり、その間にある街が指定された。彼らは図らずも同時に川に到着した。Antony は友人として彼を信用していると示すため、Octavian に向かって漕いだ。Octavianはこれを見て、倣った。彼らはこの川で会合し、どちらが相手の土手に上陸すべきかとお互いに主張した。





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