[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 指揮官らはOctavianが自分たちを軽視していると不満を訴えたため、Octavianは元老院はAntonyに対する恐れや軍隊欲しさほどにはOctavia...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は 3_yumie7 さんの 1人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 3件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1928文字

symeによる依頼 2013/02/12 07:20:59 閲覧 578回
残り時間: 終了

The leading officers complained that he disdained them, and he explained to them that the Senate was moved not so much by good-will toward him as by fear of Antony and the want of an army; "and that will be the case," he continued, "until we humble Antony, and until the murderers, who are friends and relatives of the senators, collect a military force for them. Knowing these facts I falsely pretend to be serving them. Let us not be the first to expose this false pretence. If we usurp the office they will accuse us of arrogance and violence, whereas if we are modest they will probably give it of their own accord, fearing lest I accept it from you."

評価 60
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2013/02/12 08:57:45に投稿されました
3_yumie7- 11年以上前
訂正:Octavianに対する行為⇒Octavianに対する好意  元老院に使えるふりをする⇒元老院に仕えるふりをする

After he had thus spoken he witnessed some military exercises of the two legions that had deserted from Antony, who ranged themselves opposite each other and gave a complete representation of a battle, except only the killing. Octavian was delighted with the spectacle and was pleased to make this a pretext for distributing 500 drachmas more to each man, and he promised that in case of war he would give them 5000 drachmas each if they were victorious. Thus, by means of lavish gifts, did Octavian bind these mercenaries to himself.Such was the course of events in Italy. In Cisalpine Gaul Antony ordered Decimus Brutus to withdraw to Macedonia in obedience to the decree of the Roman people,

評価 60
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2013/02/12 09:04:56に投稿されました
Octavianはそのように話した後、Antonyから逃げてきた2つのレギオンが軍事訓練を行ない、互いに向かい合って整列し、わずか殺害を除いては完全な戦闘の説明をしたのを見た。Octavianはこの光景に喜び、これを兵士1人当たりにさらに500ドラクマを分け与える口実にできたことに満足した。Octavianは兵士らに、もし戦いに勝利すれば1人当たり5000ドラクマを与えると約束した。このように気前の良い贈り物によりOctavianは傭兵らを自分の方につけることができた。これがイタリアの物事の成り行きだった。Cisalpine Gaul ではAntony がDecimus Brutusにローマ市民の判決に従い、また自分の身の安全のためにもマケドニアに引き上げるよう命じた。

and for his own safety. Decimus, in reply, sent him the letters that had been furnished him by the Senate, as much as to say that he cared no more for the command of the people than Antony did for that of the Senate. Antony then fixed a day for his compliance, after which he should treat him as an enemy. Decimus advised him to fix a later day lest Antony should too soon make himself an enemy to the Senate. Although Antony could have easily overcome him, as he was still in the open country, he decided to proceed first against the cities. These opened their gates to him.

評価 60
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2013/02/12 09:16:15に投稿されました





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